Want to take action? Join the Un-Whisper Network
Medication abortion is safe, effective, and discreet—but only half of all adults know that it’s an option. Let’s change that.
Hey Jane's Un-Whisper Network is here for anyone passionate about expanding abortion access.
In #theunwhispernetwork, we're not afraid to talk about abortion
Medication abortion is a safe option
It’s been FDA-approved since 2000 and is safer than many common drugs.
But not enough people know about it
Only half of all adults have heard of abortion pills. We need to increase awareness.
Your community trusts you
Nearly half of abortion patients first turn to friends, family, or social media for treatment information—you're a powerful resource.
Here's how you can spread the word
Help put the power back in people’s hands by letting them know that medication abortion is a safe and effective option. When you join the Un-Whisper Network you’ll get our monthly action toolkit, which includes:
Social media posts
Sticker templates
Downloadable posters
Facts and stats you can actually use
And more
Support abortion funds
Abortion funds—which are able to cover costs for those who need assistance paying for an abortion—are vital in getting people the care they need.
Want to help a Jane? Donate directly to one of our abortion fund partners, or support a fund near you.
Get the facts
There's a lot of misinformation out there about abortion—which is why our team has put together medically accurate resources (no PhD required).
Check out our blog for articles on all things abortion-related, so that you can speak confidently and credibly about the issue.
Take action with us
Your voice has power—the Un-Whisper Network is here to help you use it.