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Collage of a girl sitting on her phone, a package, and some pillsCollage of a girl sitting on her phone, a package, and some pills

Safe, private abortion care—no clinic visit needed

We're Hey Jane 👋 your safe space for reproductive and sexual care, like FDA-approved abortion pills, from the comfort and convenience of your phone.

Get started
Consult with a provider in 1 business day
FDA-approved abortion pills
75,000+ patients helped
Virtual care (chat, phone, video)
Covered by insurance & IL Medicaid
Fast shipping, discreet packaging
Judgement-free, expert support

Our services

As the first and most-trusted virtual abortion clinic in the US, we believe that everyone deserves access to compassionate, high-quality care. Get affordable abortion pills without the wait, and on-demand support from our Clinical team throughout treatment.

How it works

Consult with us to get a prescription for the method that’s best for you, including the pill, the patch, the ring, the shot, and non-hormonal methods. Whether you want to avoid specific side effects or taking birth control daily, we’ll help you get the prescription of your choice sent to your local pharmacy to be filled for fast, easy pickup.

How it works

We offer two types of the “morning-after” pill, Ella and levonorgestrel (generic Plan B), for future use. Consult with our providers about what option is best for your medical history, and we’ll make sure you have it on hand for when you need it.

How it works

UTIs can be painful, but getting in-person care quickly shouldn’t be. Consult with our providers 100% virtually to start getting UTI relief in 1 business day. We’ll send your prescription to your local pharmacy to be filled for pickup so you can start feeling better ASAP.

How it works

Yeast infections are uncomfortable, but fitting care into your schedule can be tough. Consult with our providers 100% virtually to start getting relief from itching and discharge in 1 business day. We’ll send your prescription to be filled your local pharmacy for pick up so you can start feeling better ASAP.

How it works

BV can be frustrating, especially when it’s difficult to fit care into your schedule. Consult with our providers 100% virtually to start getting relief from odor and discharge in 1 business day. We’ll send your prescription to your local pharmacy to be filled for pickup so you can start feeling better ASAP.

How it works

If you have an active herpes outbreak, or are looking to prevent one, we can help. Consult with us about treatment for oral and genital herpes, and get treatment delivered or prescribed to be filled your local pharmacy ASAP.

How it works
Medication abortion
Birth control
Emergency contraception
UTI treatment
Yeast infection treatment
BV treatment
Herpes treatment
Trusted by

All reviews are anonymous to protect the privacy of our patients. To read more patient stories, check out this article featuring Hey Jane in Cosmopolitan.

View all reviews

“My whole experience went smoothly, the team was very supportive from beginning to end. They constantly checked on me and made sure to send me tips so I felt comfortable. It honestly felt like they were holding my hand the entire time.”

Verified Patient

“Hey Jane gave me discretion, support, and help during the most vulnerable time of my life at a price I could afford. I’m beyond grateful.”

5 stars
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Verified Patient

Read why patients love us

Pay as little as $0 with insurance

Hey Jane accepts select insurance plans. If you’re not using insurance, we offer sliding-scale pricing based on income. We also partner with abortion funds to help you pay for treatment. Click a plan below to see what services are covered.

Woman with curly hair holding a smartphone, sitting by a bright window, smiling softly.

How it works

Screenshot of a Hey Jane intake form
Complete our online intake form
Complete our online intake form

Answer questions about your medical history to determine if you’re eligible for treatment.

Consult with a provider—100% virtually
Consult with a provider—100% virtually

Consult with a licensed provider 100% virtually, via text, chat, video, or phone call*.

Blank white mailer envelope being held over a blue background
Get treatment delivered ASAP
Get treatment delivered ASAP

Get treatment delivered to your door or local post office in discreet, unmarked packaging.

Image of a hand holding a mobile smart phone where a provider is on the video call screen
Image of a hand holding abortion pills
Take treatment with our support
Find support throughout, and after, treatment

Connect with our team with questions or for support. We’re here for you every step of the way

*The consultation may include referral for lab tests or an ultrasound if medically necessary
You are eligible if you are:
  • At least 18 years old
  • In CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, HI, IL, ME, MD, MA, MN, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OR, RI, VT, VA, or WA (residency not required)
  • Medically eligible
Hey Jane cares for all pregnant people, including identities. We also accept patients regardless of immigration status.
Example text exchange between a caring Hey Jane provider and a patient

Our expert team is here for you—before, during, and after treatment

"You are the expert on your own body and your own experiences. Combined with our team's extensive knowledge and experience in abortion care, we work together to come up with the best treatment plan for you."

Alyssa Wagner

Medical Director at Hey Jane


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How to take abortion pills & what to expect

Read the article

Abortion pills delivered by mail fast

Read the article

What are abortion funds, and how can they help pay for an abortion?

Read the article

Popular FAQs

What are abortion pills?

Medication abortion (also called the abortion pill) is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy. It was approved by the FDA in 2000 and is now approved to end pregnancies up to 10 weeks. Today, 63% of abortions in the US are done with medications. The simple treatment involves taking two medicines over a couple days.

The first medicine you take is mifepristone, which blocks the pregnancy hormone (progesterone) and stops the pregnancy from growing. Then, 24-48 hours later you take a second medicine, called misoprostol. Misoprostol causes cramping and bleeding to empty the uterus. You can expect bleeding like a heavy period. Taken together, these two pills work up to 98 out of 100 times to end an early pregnancy. No sedation or general anesthesia needed, though Hey Jane providers ibuprofen or Tylenol in your shipment to help manage pain due to cramping.

After you take mifepristone (the first medication), you must complete the abortion. If treatment with medication does not work the first time, you may have the option to repeat the medicines or you will need an in-clinic procedural abortion. Hey Jane will be with you every step of the way to make sure you get the support and care you need.

Is Hey Jane legit?

Yes! Hey Jane is one of the first clinics to offer safe, effective and completely legal abortion care through telemedicine. We have served over 70,000 satisfied patients since launching in January 2021. Check out real feedback from past patients. You can also rest assured knowing that we have been independently certified by the National Abortion Federation, and LegitScript, the leading verification system for online prescriptions. We've even been covered by major news outlets, including New York Times, Forbes, Tech Crunch, USA Today, and Parents.

How can I contact Hey Jane?

Are you a Hey Jane patient?

Message us directly on the Spruce app.

If you are not a Hey Jane patient:

Email us: info@heyjane.co

Text us: (405) 643-7957

Press inquiries: press@heyjane.co

Interested in joining our team? See our open roles or email hiring@heyjane.co

Does Hey Jane offer discounts or coupon codes?

We offer sliding-scale pricing based on income for all our services. At this time, we do not offer additional coupon codes. If you need help paying for your abortion, you can request financial assistance from one of our abortion fund partners. If eligible, they will provide a discount code that you can use at checkout.

Another way to reduce the cost of treatment is by using insurance or Illinois Medicaid, which can bring your cost as low as $0 for all of our services. See if your plan is accepted here.

Does Hey Jane accept Medicaid?

Yes, we currently accept Illinois Medicaid for medication abortion care provided to Illinois Medicaid members located within Illinois at the time of service. We are actively working on expanding our Medicaid coverage.

If patients without coverage need financial assistance in addition to our income-based sliding scale pricing, we partner with abortion funds to cover the cost of treatment, travel, and/or accommodations.

See all FAQs
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Consult with a provider in 1 business day